What Are the Biggest Benefits of Professional Topical Map Services Versus DIY for Your SEO Strategy?

What Are the Biggest Benefits of Professional Topical Map Services Versus DIY for Your SEO Strategy?

Learning and applying SEO strategies is more complicated and complex than ever. That’s why we’ve gathered advice from CEOs and marketing experts to highlight the value of working with an agency to build topical authority. From the major benefit of saving time with expert SEO help to improving accuracy with professional services, here are 8 main reasons why investing in a professional Topical Map and SEO service can make a big difference:

  • Expert SEO Guidance Saves Time
  • Clarity in Content Strategy
  • Depth in Keyword Clustering
  • Expert-Structured SEO Roadmap
  • Professional Insights Boost Rankings
  • Delegate for Better SEO Outcomes
  • Invest in Professional Topical Mapping
  • Professional Service Enhances SEO Accuracy

Check out more case studies of effective topical maps.

1. Expert SEO Guidance Saves Time

Professional topical maps are like having an SEO expert by your side. They uncover hidden keyword gems and pinpoint gaps in your content strategy, helping you create a laser-focused roadmap for success.

This expert guidance saves you time and ensures your content isn’t just ranking well, but it’s also truly resonating with your audience. It’s the difference between blindly throwing darts at a dartboard and strategically aiming for the bullseye.

Michael Lazar

Michael Lazar, CEO, Content Author

2. Clarity in Content Strategy

When I ordered a topical map for my website, the biggest benefit I discovered was the clarity it brought to our content strategy. Unlike a DIY approach, which can lead to scattered topics and missed opportunities, a professional topical map provided a well-structured framework that highlighted relevant keywords and connections.

This focus significantly improved our search engine rankings, as we could create content that directly addressed our audience’s questions and interests. It streamlined our writing process, making it easier to produce high-quality articles that resonated with readers, ultimately driving organic traffic and engagement.

Mike Drouin

Mike Drouin, Co-founder, Digital Marketing Director, Gardening & Home Improvement Expert, Reefertilizer

3. Depth in Keyword Clustering

The biggest benefit of using a professional topical map service versus a DIY approach is the depth of keyword clustering they provide. When we first attempted to create a topical map, we quickly realized that our understanding of keyword relationships was surface-level. A professional service, however, dives deep into how various topics and subtopics interlink, ensuring that every piece of content we create is part of a cohesive strategy.

This comprehensive approach significantly boosts our SEO efforts by targeting a broader spectrum of search intent, improving our rankings across multiple related keywords. The result? A more robust and integrated content strategy that drives long-term organic growth and higher search visibility.

Sahil Kakkar

Sahil Kakkar, CEO & Founder, RankWatch

4. Expert-Structured SEO Roadmap

Having ordered a professional topical map before, the biggest benefit I found over the DIY approach is the expert-level structure and strategy that the service provides. A professional topical map ensures the entire content plan is cohesively aligned with SEO best practices, from keyword clustering to internal linking strategies. 

Instead of guessing which topics to prioritize or how to organize content, the professional service offered a clear roadmap that targeted high-value keywords while avoiding keyword cannibalization. This not only saved me time but also allowed me to implement a more effective SEO strategy that boosted my site’s rankings much faster than I could have achieved on my own.

Sebastian Petrosi

Sebastian Petrosi, Head of Content Marketing, howtowatch.ca

5. Professional Insights Boost Rankings

I have overseen hundreds of SEO strategies and topical map services for clients. Professionally developed topical maps provide data and expertise beyond a DIY approach. They analyze your site and competitors to identify high-potential keywords and content gaps. 

For a home services client, our analysis found thousands of opportunities. Targeting these propelled them to top rankings and a 50% increase in leads. With two decades of experience, we know how to develop custom roadmaps to achieve SEO goals efficiently. 

For an insurance client lacking content on new product lines, we collaborated with their experts to create targeted content. This doubled their organic traffic in under a year. 

Investing in professional SEO services pays off. They provide insight and strategies a DIY approach can’t replicate. The results, like higher rankings, more traffic, and increased leads, make the investment worthwhile. Professional topical maps strengthen any SEO strategy.

Robert P. Dickey

Robert P. Dickey, President and CEO, AQ Marketing

6. Delegate for Better SEO Outcomes

The future success of your site and your business depends on the foundation those things are built on. There are times when we should do things ourselves, and times when we should delegate, and topical mapping is a time to delegate.

In my experience, I’ve found that even the SEO tasks people claim are simple tend to be more complicated and have more nuance than one might expect. For example, if you take a ‘simple’ title tag optimization and compare the output from a hobbyist or business owner to that of an SEO professional, you will see a big difference in how they use keywords, how they came to those decisions, and certainly in the results (rankings, clicks).

Now take something as involved as topical mapping. This process requires a great number of steps, and at each one of those steps, the output gap between what you will create and what a dedicated professional will create will widen. That gap represents rankings, impressions, clicks, and ultimately sales.

Recognize that this is a very complicated and tedious exercise and that if there was ever an ideal time to delegate, this is it; you’ll get a far better return from hiring a guru and will save valuable time that you can allocate to other things.

Sarah Kuchar

Sarah Kuchar, Creative Director, Kuchar

7. Invest in Professional Topical Mapping

Topical mapping is the kind of exercise that, when you watch someone do it during a walkthrough, it all seems reasonable. No one step is all that complicated. But sit down and try to do it yourself—it can be a real nightmare.

Most site owners are also the people running the business; they are the entrepreneurs. And we know full well that our time is extremely tight and extremely valuable. There are some things, particularly early on, that you can and probably should do yourself on the SEO side, but in my opinion, topical mapping is not one of them. It’s too big, time-consuming, and there are so many things that can be missed if you’re not experienced in doing it.

Since it’s such a large, tedious, and fundamental exercise, and because it will have such a far-reaching positive impact on your business if done right (and the opposite or at least minimal impact if done wrong), topical mapping is something I recommend investing in and having a professional service take care of for you. You’ll save an immeasurable amount of time and trouble, and you’ll never look back.

The strategic benefit here is that this map will inform your entire website strategy and will not only move things forward more smoothly and quickly in terms of growth, but it is something you can continue to reference and also update as the site develops. A topical map is an incredibly powerful tool that will inform all of your priority content initiatives and, because of its complexity, it’s likely something your competitors don’t have.

David Damico

David Damico, CEO, Colonial Gold and Silver

8. Professional Service Enhances SEO Accuracy

The biggest benefit I’ve found in using a professional service is the depth and accuracy it brings. When I tried to create a topical map on my own, I often missed key connections between topics and didn’t always prioritize the right content. 

With a professional service, I received a well-researched, detailed map that connected all the relevant topics and subtopics in a way that I wouldn’t have identified on my own. This level of detail directly impacted my SEO strategy by providing a clear, actionable roadmap that improved my content’s structure and relevance.

The insights I gained from competitor analysis through the professional service were also significant. I was able to see not just what keywords my competitors were using, but how they were structuring their content to build authority. This allowed me to create more competitive content that wasn’t just focused on keywords but on the overall strategy that would position my content as authoritative in the niche.

In terms of KPIs, I closely monitor organic traffic, bounce rate, and time on page. Since implementing the professionally created topical map, I’ve seen improvements across all these metrics. Organic traffic has increased, bounce rates have dropped, and users are spending more time engaging with my content. These improvements have confirmed the value of a professional approach to topical mapping in driving better SEO results.

Josh Bolstad

Josh Bolstad, Owner, Niche Ranker

See these other topical map and topical authority case studies:

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Yoyao is a seasoned expert in SEO and content planning. He's created hundreds of topical maps for sites in all types of industries. He is charting the path for contemporary SEO strategies with his Topical Maps service and 'Topical Maps Unlocked,' a course that demystifies the art of designing powerful topical maps.