Case Study: Flooring Company’s 2,500% Organic Traffic Growth

Case Study: Flooring Company’s 2,500% Organic Traffic Growth

We worked with a flooring company that wanted to significantly boost its online presence. Despite the challenges of Google updates and market volatility, we were able to create a strategic approach that drove organic traffic and increased search visibility, leading to 2,500% increased traffic. It all started with a Topical Authority Map Package as the key to their success.

Client Background

Our client, a well-established flooring company, approached us in need of jump starting their online presence. Despite having a strong reputation offline, their website was struggling to attract visitors. They had an average of just 100 organic visitors per month.

The company’s goals were clear: to increase organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately drive more sales through their website.

We began by understanding the core aspects of their business:

  • Brand: A trusted name in the flooring industry with a wide range of products.
  • Company Goals: Increase online visibility, attract more customers, and boost sales.
  • Target Audience: Homeowners, builders, and contractors looking for quality flooring solutions.
  • Products: Diverse flooring options including hardwood, laminate, vinyl, and carpet.

Armed with this information, we started on crafting a comprehensive content strategy to improve their online presence.

Brand Discovery and Strategy Development

To develop an effective strategy, we conducted in-depth research with the client to fully understand their brand values, market positioning, industry, and customer base. This was crucial for creating a topical map that would guide the restructuring of their content and internal links.

The topical map we designed focused on the key topics relevant to their industry, identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement. This map served as a strategic roadmap for content creation, optimization, and internal linking.

Implementation and Growth

We implemented a structured approach to help the flooring company achieve their goals. Here’s how we did it:

Phase 1: Initial Brand Analysis

We began by thoroughly analyzing the client’s brand, customer base, current content, internal linking, and site structure. This phase was essential to identify the core topics and areas that needed improvement.

  • Focus: Understanding brand, customers, current content, internal linking, and site structure.
  • Outcome: Identified the core topics that the client needed to cover for complete topical coverage to establish topical authority.

Phase 2: Topical Map Creation

Using the insights from our analysis, we created a detailed topical map. This map highlighted core topics and provided a clear strategy for creating and restructuring content.

  • Focus: Core topics and strategic content restructuring.
  • Outcome: Improved internal linking, optimized content, and targeted new content creation.

Phase 3: Existing Site and Content Optimization

In this phase, we optimized the existing content and site structure to align with the new topical map. We ensured that the content was relevant, authoritative, and well-linked.

  • Focus: Enhancing current content, refining internal links, and ensuring SEO best practices.
  • Outcome: Enhanced content quality, stronger internal linking, and improved search engine rankings.

Organic Traffic Surge

The results were extraordinary. After implementing our recommendations and the new topical map, the client saw a dramatic increase in organic traffic. In less than six months, their monthly visitors surged from 100 to 2600 – a staggering 2500% increase. This growth was achieved despite the challenges posed by recent Google updates and market volatility.

Flooring Company Topical Map and Organic Traffic Growth

The graph clearly shows the organic traffic recovery and growth starting from November 2023, with consistent and substantial increases in visitor numbers. The flooring company successfully transitioned from struggling with low traffic to achieving remarkable growth and online visibility.

Key Takeaways

This flooring company’s journey highlights the power of a well-structured topical map and content strategy. Our Topical Authority Map Package was instrumental in their success, helping them achieve significant growth in a short period.

If your business is looking to improve your online presence, our tailored content strategies can help.

See our topical map services to start your journey toward sustainable success.

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Yoyao is a seasoned expert in SEO and content planning. He's created hundreds of topical maps for sites in all types of industries. He is charting the path for contemporary SEO strategies with his Topical Maps service and 'Topical Maps Unlocked,' a course that demystifies the art of designing powerful topical maps.